1.1 使用plsql 定义两个变量 分别和 s_emp 表中的 id 和 first_name 的类型保持一致,并且给 和 id 类型相同 的变量赋值成 10,
使用 sql 语句给 first_name类型相同的那个变量赋值 并 输出这个变量的值。
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declare /* 获取变量名 表名.字段名%type; */ var_id s_emp.id%type; var_name s_emp.first_name%type; begin var_id:=10; select first_name into var_name from s_emp where id=var_id; dbms_output.put_line(var_name); end; / set serveroutput on;
1.2 如果想把 id = 10 的员工的 first_name salary dept_id 这三个数据查询出来
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declare /* 获取变量名 表名.字段名%type */ var_name s_emp.first_name%type; var_salary s_emp.salary%type; var_dept_id s_emp.dept_id%type; begin select first_name,salary,dept_id into var_name,var_salary,var_dept_id from s_emp where id=10; dbms_output.put_line(var_name||':'||var_salary||':'||var_dept_id); end; /
1.3使用 recod 类型,可以组织多个变量
recode 类型的语法 —– 定义一个recode 类型
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declare type 类型名 is record( 字段名 类型, 字段名 类型, 字段名 类型 ); 变量名 类型名; begin
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declare type emptype is record( var_name s_emp.first_name%type, var_salary s_emp.salary%type, var_dept_id s_emp.dept_id%type ); /* 使用上面的emptype 定义一个变量 */ var_emp smptype; begin select first_name,salary,dept_id into var_emp from s_emp where id=10; dbms_output.put_line(var_emp.var_name||':'||var_emp.var_salary||':'||var_emp.var_dept_id);
end; /
把s_dept 表中的所有字段 包装成一个record 类型,然后使用sql 把 id = 50 的信息存入这个变量中 打印这个变量的信息
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declare TYPE depttype IS RECORD( id s_dept.id%type, name s_dept.name%type, region_id s_dept.region_id%type ); var_dept depttype; begin select * into var_dept from s_dept where id=50; dbms_output.put_line(var_dept.id||':'||var_dept.name); end; /
declare var_emp s_emp%rowtype; begin select * into var_emp from s_emp where id=25; dbms_output.put_line(var_emp.id||':'||var_emp.first_name||':'||var_emp.salary); end; /
1.5 table类型
类似于java数组 或者Map<Integer,Object>
1.5.1 语法
TYPE 类型名 is table of 元素类型 index by binary_integer;
变量名 类型名;
变量名(下标) 下标任意
declare type numstyle is table of number index by binary_integer; var_nums numstype; begin var_nums(-1):=9; var_nums(0):=5; var_nums(1):=2; var_nums(2):=7; var_nums(3):=0; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(1));
declare type numstype is table of number index by binary_integer; var_nums numstype; var_index binary_integer:=-1; begin var_nums(-1):=9; var_nums(0):=5; var_nums(1):=2; var_nums(2):=7; var_nums(3):=0; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_index+1; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_index+1; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_index+1; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_index+1; dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); end; /
declare type numstyle is table of number index by binary_integer; var_nums numstyle; var_index binary_interger:=-1; begin var_nums(-1):=9; var_nums(0):=5; var_nums(11):=2; var_nums(2):=7; var_nums(3):=0; var_index:=var_nums.first(); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_nums.next(var_index); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_nums.next(var_index); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_nums.next(var_index); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); var_index:=var_nums.next(var_index); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums(var_index)); dbms_output.put_line(var_nums.count()); end; /